About Us
Paxymer is a start-up firm that became a legal entity of its own in 2009. Our history begins in 1985 with PP Polymer, one of the best-known polymer chemistry consultancy firms in Sweden.
Our History
Starting up…
Dr. Swaraj Paul founded PP Polymer AB in 1985. His vision was to work with environmentally and health conscious product development within the field of polymer chemistry to create a center of excellence from which to solve his customers’ problems.
Our customer list includes companies such as ABB, Kodak, GE Healthcare, Mycronic Mydata and Ericsson. Over the years PP Polymer has been involved in diverse fields of product development within polymer chemistry. The common denominator in our work is technically advanced problems, which we solve by meeting new legislation or market demands through innovative improvements to health and environmental aspects.
PP Polymer’s comprehensive in-house lab facilities are one of our unique features. We have one of the most extensive machine parks in northern Europe with DCS, DMA, TGA, HPLC, GC-MS, Pyr/GC-MS, FTIR, UV-VIS, mechanical testing, fire testing according to UL94 and even our own SEM-EDS capabilities in our lab.
…the field of flame retardants
Due to PP Polymer’s good reputation and competence, the Swedish civil contingencies agency (Räddningsverket, later MSB) approached us in 2000. They had recently concluded that polymer materials played a big part in causing lethal conditions in apartment fires – especially polymers containing brominated flame retardants. They found three main aspects of the burning process of polymeric materials that contributed to this:
- High heat release rate which ignites other materials and drastically reduces time for evacuation
- Dripping of polymer which increases flame spread and reignites surrounding materials
- Toxic smoke release that creates lethal conditions in a matter of minutes
To sum up the consultancy project with MSB: Dr. Swaraj Paul discovered something unique. Something he began to investigate, aiming to solve the issues presented by the Swedish civil contingency agency. We filed for the Paxymer patent in 2006.
Paxymer became a separate legal entity in 2009. During the first years we focused on a small number of specific development projects. From the experience gained we approached the wider European market. The company is a true family business with Amit Paul – Dr. Swaraj Paul’s son as the managing director and his wife, Ann-Christin Paul as the chairman of the board.
Paxymer has received research grants from Vinnova and Mistra Innovation for various projects pertaining to flame retardants. Product development and production is done in-house.
Paxymer is sold in a number of polyolefin plastic products on the European market. Paxymer solves the three main problems with burning polymeric materials.
- reduces the heat release rate
- eliminates dripping
- reduces toxic smoke and smoke release
Paxymer ensures a safe burning process and makes it possible to meet burning standards without the use of toxic and persistent chemicals. You can contact us or order technical information if you would like to find out more.
Our Policies and Certifications
At Paxymer we are commited to deliver excellent quality and to be integral to our customers’ success. You will find our quality and environmental certifications below, as well as our policies and delivery terms.
– Investor In People quality certification (equiv. to ISO9000) [PDF]
– Svensk Miljöbas environmental certification (equiv. to ISO14000) [PDF]
– Data protection policy & Use of cookies (GDPR) [PDF]
– Carbon offset certificate [PDF]
– Standard Terms of Delivery (version 1 – 20150923)
Paxymer Quality Policy
Paxymer is committed to delivering consistent, high quality products that meet our customers’ needs. We will support our customers if they encounter problems. We take pride in being an active, reliable and long-term business partner.
Paxymer Environmental Policy
Paxymer is committed to minimizing our environmental impact in product development, manufacturing, transportation and sales. Paxymer flame-retardants are completely free of halogens as well as of substances with CMR, PBT and POPs characteristics. We strive for minimal environmental impact per kilo of delivered product. We carbon-compensate any emissions we cause. We are also committed to work for substitution and reduction of persistent chemicals, to increase recyclability and to be a part of a sustainable society. Click to read the full environmental policy.
Paxymer Ethical Commitment
Paxymer is committed to high ethical standards and will not under any circumstances partake in corruption or illegal conduct. Paxymer strives be a valued member of society; we operate with a sustainable, future-oriented mindset. Our commitment is to deliver long-term value to all our stakeholders.
We have an extensive machine park at our disposal. Our lab facilities include:
- Thermal equipment e.g. DSC, DMA, TGA
- Chemical analysis equipment e.g. HPLC, GC-MS, PyrGC-MS, FTIR
- Fire and mechanical testing e.g. Impact testing, Tensile tester, small scale open flame testing
- Production/rheology testing e.g. Rheometer, Pilot twin screw extruder with side feeding, Brabender batch blender, MFI
Paxymer has a current capacity of about 1500 MT of product in our own factory. We also have a pilot line where we can run trials with specific customer formulations to ensure burning performance.
Our Team
Paxymer works with a small technical team for development and production. To distribute our product throughout Europe, we work with a network of sales partners. For more info please contact us.

Amit Paul
Amit Paul got his M.Sc. in Business from Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden’s most renowned business school, in 2009. He passed up a management consultant position with Bain to join Paxymer in 2010. Amit has previous experience from the entertainment industry.

D.Sc. Swaraj Paul
Dr. Swaraj Paul is the inventor and technical director of Paxymer. He has more than 40 years of experience of polymer chemistry product development and was named Chemical Engineer of the Year 2012 by the Swedish society of chemical engineers. He is the author of Surface Coatings (1985, John Wiley), was co-author of Comprehensive Polymer Science (1989, Pergamon press) and editor of Surface coatings (1995, John Wiley)
Dr. Paul graduated from Agra University, India and spent 5 years at Synthetic Chemicals Ltd. before specializing in polymers. In 1972 he was a awarded a special research scholarship at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, where he received his Ph.D. and D.Sc. degrees under Professor Bengt Rånby.

Malin Sohlmér
M.Sc Malin graduated from Lund University of technology focused on Nano materials and polymers. Malin has previous experience from Materials Design and Nolato. Malin works with product development at Paxymer

Amine Zouaoui
Amine joined the team in 2017. With a masters degree in chemical engineering. Amine has previously worked as a process engineer in Tunisia.

Ann-Christin Paul
Ann-Christin Paul has her degree in Business from Stockholm School of Economics. She is acting CEO of PP Polymer since 1986 and is active in several boards focused on innovation.

Göran Bennich
Göran Bennich, built Gren & Bennich AB to become one of the leading agent/distributor in Scandinavia for plastics and chemicals. 1996 G&B was acquired by GE. Worked as CEO for GE/Polymerland Europe. Now involved in various companies and board member at Paxymer.
Svante Andersson
Svante Andersson, has more than 30 years of experience in the plastics industry. Svante has been working with business development and sales in a number of companies over the years. Now latest at fibre specialist company Fitesa. Svante has been a board member in Paxymer since 2016.
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